1. astm.constants :: ASTM constant values

astm.constants.ACK = '\x06'

Command accepted token.

astm.constants.COMPONENT_SEP = '^'

Field components delimeter.

astm.constants.CRLF = '\r\n'

CR + LF shortcut.

astm.constants.ENCODING = 'latin-1'

ASTM specification base encoding.

astm.constants.ENQ = '\x05'

ASTM session initialization token.

astm.constants.EOT = '\x04'

ASTM session termination token.

astm.constants.ESCAPE_SEP = '&'

Date escape token.

astm.constants.ETB = '\x17'

Message chunk end token.

astm.constants.ETX = '\x03'

Message end token.

astm.constants.FIELD_SEP = '|'

Record fields delimeter.

astm.constants.NAK = '\x15'

Command rejected token.

astm.constants.RECORD_SEP = '\r'

Message records delimeter.

astm.constants.REPEAT_SEP = '\\'

Delimeter for repeated fields.

astm.constants.STX = '\x02'

Message start token.

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